We just raised a $12mm series A!

Today is a big day for QA. I’m incredibly excited to announce that we have raised a $12mm Series A, led by Byron Deeter of Bessemer Venture Partners. We wouldn’t be here without our customers. So a huge THANK YOU to our customers paying us to help solve their QA problems. Thank you for believing […]

Recent articles

Is manual QA a poor use of time?

Is manual QA a poor use of time?

Check out any LinkedIn community, online forum, or the comments of an article about best QA practices, and you’re bound to see posts foretelling the doom of manual QA testing, advice on how to automate more of your testing, and questions on getting from manual to automated testing. That paints a pretty strong picture about […]
The Definitive Pre-deployment QA Checklist

The Definitive Pre-deployment QA Checklist

Here are the seven major types of QA testing that all software teams should have on their checklist by the time their product reaches maturity.
How to do big refactors without losing your sanity

How to do big refactors without losing your sanity

Big refactors are horrible. They are hard to estimate because they often contain unknown work. They are hard to review because there’s a lot of code. They often have unforeseen side effects and cause way too many merge conflicts because they touch so many different parts of your codebase. TLDR: Good test coverage can bring you […]
QA=Money+Time. So how much should you spend?

QA=Money+Time. So how much should you spend?

You need QA, but how much should you spend and on what? In the world of software there are two big types of risk: death by 10,000 papercuts and death by catastrophic failure.

QA Strategy

How to run an effective quality assurance process.

The Definitive Pre-deployment QA Checklist

Here are the seven major types of QA testing that all software teams should have on their checklist by the time their product reaches maturity.

QA=Money+Time. So how much should you spend?

You need QA, but how much should you spend and on what? In the world of software there are two big types of risk: death by 10,000 papercuts and death by catastrophic failure.

Rolling your own cross browser test plan

Cross browser testing is a pain. It’s also, sadly, an essential part of test coverage. Fret not! There are easy ways to reduce the pain. Solving the issue requires access to site stats, and a few handy pieces of Tech.

Unit testing vs. integration testing: why you should do both

Lets go over some of the types testing that can be done, when to use them and their benefits and downsides.

Test Automation

Best practices for automating software testing.

Manual Testing

Best practices for manually testing software.

Inside Rainforest

Company and product news from Rainforest QA.


Insights from the Rainforest QA engineering team.

How to do big refactors without losing your sanity

Introducing Http::Exceptions

CI Servers: Should you self-host or rely on SaaS?

Lets compare the two approaches to continuous integration (hosted vs self hosted) and try to figure out which one is best for you.

Optimal Test Environment Setup

In this post we're going to look at optimal environments for webapps. This is part two in a series - the first post looks at what are environments for?